Somatic Based Therapy
Somatic Therapy is a specific type of trauma therapies that are based on the idea that trauma is stored in the body & Nervous system, thus healing trauma must also focus on the same place. Somatic therapy is considered a ‘bottom up” approach in that the therapeutic begins with body sensations and information acquired from the Limbic system (automatic responses) rather than beginning with the rational or cognitive processing techniques (Top-down therapies like CBT or other skills based or talk therapies). In Somatic Therapies, clients are taught to address their physical responses first through different techniques which helping them to learn to stay in the present moment and learn to create a sense of safety in their bodies, before moving into the Top-down processing therapies.
Examples of Somatic Therapies include Sensorimotor Psychotherapy, Trauma Sensitive Yoga, Somatic Experiencing and experiential therapy.